Friday, September 9, 2011

Snap Shot of the Week: Rural/Metro Remembers 9/11

     Sept. 11, 2001 was a day that has branded our generation and affected all of us, but it was especially poignant for emergency responders in NYC and around the country.

     As we approach the anniversary of 9/11 we remember and honor the firefighters, law enforcement and emergency medical personnel who lost their lives during the attacks and also give thanks to the first responders who continue to risk their lives to protect their communities.

     Rural/Metro Ambulance was involved in the rescue efforts in NYC on 9/11; dispatching 28 ambulances and 85 paramedics and EMT's to ground zero. Our personnel worked around the clock to do whatever they could to help the injured, and for that, we thank you.

     Rural/Metro operations will be doing a nationwide tribute to honor 9/11 by doing a radio call-out over our ambulance dispatch communication system at the exact times that the towers fell, the plane hit the pentagon and Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania.

     We want all our personnel as well as the nation to know we will never forget, and we will always honor our emergency responders for what they do every day. We know the rest of San Diego and the nation will be paying tribute to 9/11 in the coming days, so we encourage all to please say thanks if you see someone in uniform this week!

     To learn more about our 9/11 radio call-out, please visit:

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud of the company I work for. I have only worked for Rural/Metro F.D. Yuma AZ just shy of 15 years and and there are a lot of people I work with that have been here longer. With that kind of legacy of "old timers", I hope the recently hired show respect to these people and the job they were hired to do. I want them to love the company as much as I do.
